Pakistan People’s Rating (PPR) provides channel ratings for entertainment channels in Pakistan as well as new channels in Pakistan. PPR also rates entertainment shows and news shows in Pakistan.
Pakistan People’s Rating is a platform that has been providing the people of Pakistan with accurate and timely information about their favorite channels, shows, and news. PPR was established by some of the most experienced professionals in the industry and it has grown to become one of the most reliable sources for channel ratings in Pakistan. As well as by using tools like social blade to gather data from social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. We also use top TV rating platforms for television rankings like MediaVoir. PPR also provides information about the top TV channels, top news channels, top entertainment channels, top sports channels, top drama serials, top news headlines, top news bulletins, top news transmissions in Pakistan and much more.
Our team of expert analysts are dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision about what to watch on television. Our analysts are trained in a variety of fields, including psychology and sociology, so they can better understand how people react to different types of media. This ensures that we have a deep understanding of what our viewers want and need.
Our goal is to provide you with the most accurate information possible so that you can make an informed decision about broadcasting, advertising and viewership. PPR provides its users with an easy-to-use interface that allows anyone from anywhere around the world to access our services without any difficulty whatsoever.