KARACHI – Today Currency rates in Pakistan in open market in Pakistan according to international currencies as of 09 February 2021.
The price of 1 USD to PKR buying is Rs 159.20 and selling of US Dollar is Rs 160.20. British Pound (GBP) to PKR buying is Rs 218.00 and selling is Rs 221.00. Euro to PKR buying is Rs 190.50 and selling is Rs 192.50.
While UAE Dirham to PKR buying is Rs 43.51 and selling is Rs 44.00. Saudi Riyal buying is Rs 42.40 and selling is Rs 43.00.
Currency Rates in Pakistan
Here is an updated list of currency exchange rates in Pakistan (9th, February 2021)
Currency | Symbol | Buying | Selling |
U.S. Dollar | USD | 159.20 PKR | 160.20 PKR |
Euro | EUR | 190.50 PKR | 192.50 PKR |
British Pound | GBP | 218.00 PKR | 221.00 PKR |
UAE Dirham | AED | 43.51 PKR | 44.00 PKR |
Saudi Riyal | SAR | 42.40 PKR | 43.00 PKR |
Kuwaiti Dinar | KWD | 502.00 PKR | 504.50 PKR |
Canadian Dollar | CAD | 123.00 PKR | 125.00 PKR |
Australian Dollar | AUD | 121.00 PKR | 123.00 PKR |
Omani Riyal | OMR | 410.00 PKR | 412.00 PKR |
Japanese Yen | JPY | 1.55 PKR | 1.58 PKR |
Malaysian Ringgit | MYR | 39.00 PKR | 39.35 PKR |
Qatari Riyal | QAR | 42.55 PKR | 42.90 PKR |
Bahrain Dinar | BHD | 403.30 PKR | 405.30 PKR |
Thai Bhat | THB | 5.25 PKR | 5.35 PKR |
Chinese Yuan | CNY | 24.85 PKR | 25.00 PKR |
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- UAE Dirham to pkr
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