Cryptocurrency prices today – See all cryptocurrency prices today here on BOL News. We update the cryptocurrency stock prices today regularly so that you can know which cryptocurrency is best for you. cryptocurrency prices falling today and how much cryptocurrency prices drop today
Cryptocurrency prices today
Check the updated crypto currency exchange rates on (12th January 2022)
1)BitcoinBTC | $ 43,029.67 | $ 814.39 billion | +3.60% Advertisement |
Advertisement 2)EthereumETH | $ 3,249.53 | Advertisement $ 385.86 billion | +6.71% Advertisement |
3)Tether USDUSDT | $ 1.002 | $ 78.44 billion | -0.08% |
4)Binance CoinBNB | $ 460.78 | $ 69.27 billion | +9.72% |
5)HEXHEX ·Worst in 24h | $ 0.2217 | $ 57.28 billion | -2.02% |
6) SolanaSOL | Advertisement $ 142.12 | $ 44.29 billion | Advertisement +6.86% |
7) USDCUSDC | $ 1.002 | $ 39.22 billion | Advertisement -0.16% |
8) CardanoADA | $ 1.189 | $ 36.99 billion | +6.40% Advertisement |
Advertisement 9) XRPXRP | $ 0.7644 | Advertisement $ 33.69 billion | +5.42% Advertisement |
10) PolkadotDOT | $ 25.64 | $ 28.10 billion | +10.43% |
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11) TerraLUNA | $ 73.96 | $ 26.42 billion | Advertisement +7.63% |
12) DogecoinDOGE | $ 0.1520 | $ 20.17 billion | +6.94% Advertisement |
Advertisement 13) AvalancheAVAX | $ 89.55 | Advertisement $ 19.70 billion | +7.63% Advertisement |
14) PolygonMATIC | $ 2.340 | $ 16.76 billion | +16.63% |
15SHIBA INUSHIB | $ 0.00002789 | $ 16.45 billion | +5.45% |
16) Binance USDBUSD | Advertisement $ 1.000 | $ 14.02 billion | Advertisement +0.02% |
17) ChainlinkLINK | $ 26.53 | $ 12.39 billion | Advertisement -1.02% |
18) Wrapped BTCWBTC | $ 42,786.85 | $ 11.40 billion | +2.95% Advertisement |
Advertisement 19) CosmosATOM | $ 38.86 | Advertisement $ 11.11 billion | +6.06% Advertisement |
20) UniswapUNI | $ 16.01 | $ 10.27 billion | +6.55% |
21) LitecoinLTC | $ 131.88 | $ 9.15 billion | +5.26% |
22) DaiDAI | Advertisement $ 1.004 | $ 9.04 billion | Advertisement +0.33% |
23) Crypto.com ChainCRO | $ 0.4632 | $ 8.48 billion | Advertisement +4.62% |
24) AlgorandALGO | $ 1.435 | $ 8.03 billion | +7.05% Advertisement |
Advertisement 25) Bitcoin CashBCH | $ 369.83 | Advertisement $ 7.01 billion | +3.13% Advertisement |
26) Internet Computer (DFINITY)ICP | $ 34.30 | $ 6.71 billion | +2.74% |
27) OKBOKB | $ 24.70 | $ 6.49 billion | +4.55% |
28) DecentralandMANA | Advertisement $ 2.906 | $ 6.38 billion | Advertisement +6.06% |
29)NEAR ProtocolNEAR ·Best in 24h | Advertisement $ 17.99 | $ 5.73 billion | Advertisement +22.23% |
30)FTX TokenFTT | $ 39.56 | $ 5.49 billion | Advertisement +7.20% |
31) StellarXLM | $ 0.2584 | $ 5.22 billion | +5.38% Advertisement |
Advertisement 32) VeChainVET | $ 0.07596 | Advertisement $ 5.07 billion | +5.89% Advertisement |
33) Compound EtherCETH | $ 65.18 | $ 4.61 billion | +6.71% |
34) Axie InfinityAXS | $ 72.72 | $ 4.43 billion | +7.02% |
35) TRONTRX | Advertisement $ 0.06494 | $ 4.29 billion | Advertisement +3.62% |
36) PancakeSwapCAKE | $ 10.97 | $ 4.28 billion | Advertisement +6.83% |
37) The SandboxSAND | $ 4.634 | $ 4.27 billion | +6.61% Advertisement |
Advertisement 38) Theta TokenTHETA | $ 4.104 | Advertisement $ 4.10 billion | +8.30% Advertisement |
39) Hedera HashGraphHBAR | $ 0.2727 | $ 3.89 billion | +4.82% |
40) LEOLEO | $ 3.734 | $ 3.68 billion | +0.06% |
41) TezosXTZ | Advertisement $ 4.141 | $ 3.62 billion | Advertisement +4.82% |
42) ElrondEGLD | $ 205.58 | $ 3.58 billion | Advertisement +8.81% |
43) Ethereum ClassicETC | $ 29.67 | $ 3.45 billion | +5.43% Advertisement |
Advertisement 44) MoneroXMR | $ 189.45 | Advertisement $ 3.42 billion | +4.24% Advertisement |
45) KlaytnKLAY | $ 1.342 | $ 3.28 billion | +5.55% |
46) HeliumHNT | $ 32.70 | $ 3.19 billion | +5.54% |
47) Compound DaiCDAI | Advertisement $ 0.02191 | $ 3.19 billion | Advertisement +0.34% |
48) AMPAMP | $ 0.04157 | $ 3.17 billion | Advertisement +0.96% |
49) IOTAMIOTA | $ 1.129 | $ 3.14 billion | +6.58% Advertisement |
Advertisement 50) 1inch Token1INCH | $ 2.134 | Advertisement $ 3.12 billion | +4.78% |
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