Pakistan’s popular TikToker Jannat Mirza recently opened up about why her debut film, Tere Bajre Di Rakhi, didn’t quite hit the mark at the box office. During a podcast interview, she shared her thoughts on working with director Syed Noor, saying, “Syed Noor is my uncle, and I have immense respect for him.” While she praised the film’s potential, she was candid about its shortcomings, explaining, “The film was good, but I believe the script was lacking.”
Jannat noted that the film included outdated elements like large weapons and horse chases, which she feels don’t resonate with today’s younger audience. “These kinds of stories were more popular in the past,” she pointed out, stressing the need for contemporary storytelling.
She reflected on her debut experience with a touch of honesty, admitting, “When I took on the film, I was a bit naïve. I was used to making TikTok videos at home and didn’t even read the script before accepting the offer. I didn’t really know what the film was about.”
Jannat also touched on the importance of a strong script for a film’s success, saying, “Even someone as big as Shah Rukh Khan can face setbacks if the storyline isn’t up to par.” Despite her debut not going as planned, she remains hopeful for the future and more opportunities in the industry.
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