Pakistani actress Mehwish Hayat recently shared her heartfelt congratulations with Arshad Nadeem, who won gold in javelin throw at the Olympics. Hayat expressed how proud Nadeem’s victory has made all Pakistanis, saying, “You’ve made our country shine with your incredible achievement.”
Hayat’s message conveyed the collective pride and joy felt across the nation, emphasizing that Nadeem’s success has united everyone in celebration. “We are all cheering for you and sharing in your excitement,” she added.
Leading up to the Olympics, Mehwish took to her Instagram to wish Nadeem well. In her video, she said:
“Arshad Nadeem, congratulations on reaching the javelin finals! We’re all so proud and excited for you. As you compete on August 8th, know that the whole nation is supporting you. Go out there and make us proud. Bring that gold home!”
Her words reflect the enthusiasm and support of Pakistan, celebrating Nadeem’s outstanding performance on the international stage.
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