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Being a mother is the most desirable emotion for many women. The absence of your period is the first indicator of pregnancy.
While test kits are readily available on the market, women have been using homemade pregnancy kits for decades. They function by detecting the level of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), pregnancy hormones in the urine. Many of them are based on folk remedies and can produce decent results.
With the evolution of medicine, we now have a plethora of possibilities in the form of widely available pregnancy kits; there are many simple, safe, and extremely affordable solutions available directly in the comfort of our own homes.
The privacy that these do-it-yourself pregnancy tests provide is the finest aspect of them. So, if you’re worried about an unwanted pregnancy or want to keep your pregnancy a secret, we’ve compiled a list of 8 DIY natural pregnancy tests.
1. Bleach pregnancy test
This method is supposed to produce the most precise and rapid results of any procedure.
Fill a clean container halfway with urine. Now add the bleaching powder and thoroughly mix it to avoid lumps. You are pregnant if the mixture makes a foam or fizz, and you are not pregnant if there is no foam.
2. Sugar pregnancy test
When there were no scientific pregnancy kits available, this approach was the most extensively utilized of all tests.
In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of urine. Now observe how sugar reacts when urine is poured on it. If the sugar begins to clump, you are pregnant; if the sugar dissolves fast, you are not.
The sugar does not dissolve effectively due to the HCG hormone secreted in the urine.
3. Toothpaste pregnancy test
You can use any toothpaste, as long as it is white in colour.
Fill a jar with two teaspoons of white toothpaste and the urine sample. You’re pregnant if the colour of your toothpaste changes and turns frothy.
4. Vinegar pregnancy test
Yes, even vinegar can assist you in determining whether or not you are pregnant. Remember that you’ll need white vinegar for this experiment.
In a plastic jar, take two teaspoons of white vinegar. Drop in your urine sample and thoroughly mix it. You are pregnant if the vinegar changes colour and develops bubbles, and you are not pregnant if there is no change.
5. Salt pregnancy test
This at-home pregnancy kit works in the same way as the sugar test. Salt is used instead of sugar. The same procedures must be followed. Equal parts of urine and salt should be mixed. Wait for a minute. A positive result is when the salt creates a creamy white clump of some sort. If there is no such result, it is possible that you are not pregnant. This, too, is based on tradition, with no scientific proof to back it up.
6. Soap pregnancy test
This test can be performed with any type of bathing soap. Take a little piece of soap and wet it with your urine. If it produces bubbles, you are pregnant; if it does not, you are not.
7. Baking soda pregnancy test
Combine two teaspoons baking soda with two tablespoons urine in a mixing bowl. Now watch how it reacts. You’re pregnant if you observe bubbles like when you open a soda bottle.
8. Wine pregnancy test
Wine testing is another reliable method to test pregnancy at home, albeit it is a little more expensive and time consuming.
Combine half a cup of wine with an equal amount of urine. Allow 10 minutes to see the reaction after thoroughly mixing it. If the wine’s natural colour changes, it signifies you’re expecting.
Although these homemade tests have been used for decades and have a long history, there is no definitive proof or scientific evidence that any of them work to produce a 100% positive result. A good result can also be the consequence of coincidence.
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