The demand of electricity has reached 3200 MW as the heat intensity increases in coastal city of Pakistan.
The power outage in many areas of Karachi have exceeded for more than 10 hours.
According to a statement of spokes person of K-Electric, load management would be necessary if short fall remains above 200 MW.
Karachi is provided 2,500 megawatts of electricity and needs 2,900.
The city will lose another 123 megawatts after the expiry of the agreement between KE and Tapal Energy.
KE is trying to renew its agreement with Tapal Energy, a spokesperson for the power company said.
He said that the demand of furnace oil and gas has increased due to increase in electricity load but difficulties are being faced due to lesser supply of oil and gas.
It further said PSO and SSG are being contacted to meet the demand of oil and gas.
K-Electric spokes said 60 MW deficiency is due to closure of KANUP IPP while power production from wind corridor is negligible due to lower pressure of air.