Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi confirmed on Monday that winter vacations in Punjab would not be extended. However, recognizing the extreme weather conditions, he announced adjustments to school timing.
Schools in Punjab are set to reopen on January 10, 2024, with a temporary modification in their schedules.
Naqvi shared the information on the social media platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter), stating, “Due to the ongoing winter wave, schools will resume on 10th Jan, 2024. From 10th to 22nd Jan, schools will start at 9:30 am. It is highly advisable to wear jackets and warm clothes.”
Punjab School new winter timings
To cope with the challenges posed by the winter season, new school timings in Punjab will be effective from January 10 to January 22, commencing at 9:30 am.
An official notification regarding this change is expected to be issued soon. The announcement aims to balance the educational calendar while prioritizing the safety and well-being of students in light of the prevailing weather conditions.