Pakistani screenwriter and director Khalil ur Rehman Qamar recently shared his profound disappointment following a distressing incident, stating that the country may never see another like him. During an interview with a private channel, Qamar reflected on his unique contributions to the arts, saying, “Just as there was only one Bulleh Shah and one Saadat Hasan Manto, there is only one Khalilur Rehman Qamar. This nation won’t find another like me.”
Qamar recounted a terrifying experience where he was held captive for seven hours and repeatedly forced to recite the Kalima, with gunshots being fired nearby. This ordeal has led him to question whether he should continue living in Pakistan. Despite his current disillusionment, Qamar made it clear that he has never hated his homeland, expressing his hope for the strength to remain, as he can’t imagine life elsewhere.
He also addressed the overwhelming economic challenges facing the country, emphasizing how people are being crushed under the burden of inflation, leaving them with few choices.
Qamar ended by expressing his support for Maria B, who is dedicated to preserving Islamic values, stating that he stands with her in this important cause.
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