Weather Forecast for Dubai, UAE
The current temperature in Dubai is 19°C.
The weather conditions are described as sunny, indicating clear skies and abundant sunshine.
This represents the temperature that it actually feels like when you step outside. In Dubai, it feels like 20°C.
RealFeel Shade™:
This is the temperature it feels like when standing in the shade, which is 18°C in Dubai.
Max UV Index:
The maximum UV index for the day is 2, categorized as Low, indicating a low risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure.
The wind is coming from the north at a speed of 6 km/h.
Wind Gusts:
Occasionally, the wind may gust up to 6 km/h.
The relative humidity level is 64%, indicating the amount of moisture in the air.
Indoor Humidity:
The indoor humidity is 60%, considered ideal for indoor comfort.
Dew Point:
The dew point, which is the temperature at which air becomes saturated and dew forms, is 12°C.
The atmospheric pressure is 1014 mb and is increasing, which can affect weather conditions.
Cloud Cover:
Currently, there is no cloud cover, indicating clear skies.
Visibility is 16 km, indicating good visibility for outdoor activities.
Cloud Ceiling:
The cloud ceiling is at a high altitude of 12200 m.
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