Weather Update For Karachi, Hyderabad

Weather Update For Karachi, Hyderabad

Weather Update For Karachi, Hyderabad

Weather Update for Karachi and Hyderabad


Karachi, Sindh

The current RealFeel temperature is 27°C, with a RealFeel shade of 25°C.

The maximum UV index is 3, categorized as moderate.

The wind is coming from the east-northeast at 19 km/h, with gusts up to 19 km/h.

Humidity stands at 44%, and indoor humidity is slightly humid at 44%.


The dew point is 14°C, and the atmospheric pressure is on the rise at 1016 mb.

Cloud cover is at 0%, visibility is 2.4 km, and the cloud ceiling is at 0 m.

Day Forecast:

The forecast for the day indicates a high of 33°C, with a RealFeel of 32°C and a RealFeel Shade of 31°C.

The weather is expected to feature brilliant sunshine with a moderate UV index of 4.

Winds are expected from the southeast at 15 km/h, with gusts up to 33 km/h.


There is no probability of precipitation or thunderstorms, and cloud cover is at 9%.

Night Forecast :

The night is expected to have a low of 22°C with a RealFeel of 21°C.

The sky will be partly cloudy and warm, with the wind shifting to the north at 11 km/h and gusts up to 32 km/h.

There is no probability of precipitation or thunderstorms, but cloud cover is at 82%.



The sun will rise at 6:54 AM and set at 5:42 PM, providing a total of 10 hours and 48 minutes of daylight.

The moon will rise at 3:32 PM and set at 4:38 AM, providing a total of 13 hours and 6 minutes of moonlight.

Temperature History:

The historical temperature data for the day shows a high of 33°C and a low of 22°C.

The forecasted average temperature is 31°C, and compared to the same day last year, the temperatures were slightly lower.

Hyderabad, Sindh


The current RealFeel temperature is 23°C, with a RealFeel shade of 21°C.

The maximum UV index is 3, categorized as moderate.

The wind is coming from the north-northwest at 18 km/h, with gusts up to 20 km/h.

Humidity stands at 59%, and indoor humidity is slightly humid at 59%.

The dew point is 15°C, and the atmospheric pressure is on the rise at 1012 mb.

Cloud cover is at 51%, visibility is 2.0 km, and the cloud ceiling is at 9100 m.


Day Forecast:

The forecast for the day indicates a high of 31°C, with a RealFeel of 29°C and a RealFeel Shade of 29°C.

The weather is expected to have hazy sunshine and not be as hot, with a moderate UV index of 4.

Winds are expected from the east-southeast at 9 km/h, with gusts up to 33 km/h.

There is no probability of precipitation or thunderstorms, and cloud cover is at 11%.

Night Forecast :


The night is expected to have a low of 20°C, with a RealFeel of 20°C.

The sky will be partly cloudy, with the wind shifting to the northeast at 15 km/h and gusts up to 32 km/h.

There is no probability of precipitation or thunderstorms, but cloud cover is at 74%.


The sun will rise at 6:50 AM and set at 5:36 PM, providing a total of 10 hours and 46 minutes of daylight.

The moon will rise at 3:26 PM and set at 4:33 AM, providing a total of 13 hours and 7 minutes of moonlight.


Temperature History :

The historical temperature data for the day shows a high of 31°C and a low of 20°C.

The forecasted average temperature is 29°C, and compared to the same day last year, the temperatures were slightly lower, with a high of 30°C and a low of 18°C.

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